Usually individuals choose to have therapy because they are experiencing difficulties and distress in their lives. Sometimes people can be isolated but at other times, even with the most supportive family and friends, they can find it difficult and even impossible to explain why, for example, they may be feeling anxious and or depressed. Sometimes it can be easier to talk about personal, family, or relationship issues with a person who is independent of family and friends. Other life issues and events which can be difficult to deal with include bereavement, divorce, redundancy, health issues, bullying and addiction. However you do not have to be in crisis or be on the verge of one, before choosing to avail of therapy. You may be experiencing underlying feelings of dissatisfaction with life in general or be seeking balance in your life and spirituality
Therapy is increasingly recognised as a very effective way of dealing with personal problems. It provides a safe and reliable environment in which to talk things over and explore your feelings in a non-judgmental setting, often impossible to find elsewhere.
Therapy may be able to help you understand how your past life experiences are effecting you in the present, influencing the way you relate to yourself and others. Exploring your concerns can often help you better understand your strengths, build on them and find ways to make the changes that you want.